Thursday, July 2, 2009



Morning sky brought him joy of the unexpected urge to be alive and doing things rather than sleeping, he came to the mouth of the cave and saw the water which was as clear as crystal, he quickly undressed and dived in to the river hundreds of feet below, but deep enough to accommodate him and the dog jack too followed suit. They both swam across the river many times and got on to the other side of the river. Though the current was heavy and taking them ashore if one dives in to the current and crosses by the force of the river it self but an angular way, as you have to walk up stream a few hundreds of feet against the current and then dive and cross over with the current helping you in your forward motion, only thing is to swim towards the other bank while you can make it hundreds of feet down the stream.

They both came ashore after a few hours of playing in the river and took out the fish and food out of their bags and had a full stomach full and also found other animals too coming for a drink from the river. He took as many photos as possible so that he can show his friends after the vacation is over. The dog Jack has joined him in his endeavors with out questions or conditions, that why he always liked dogs for their unwavering support and loyalty towards man. Cats on the other side is not very loyal and only wants to purr their way inside house and need not be playing with you always as they have their own kind of play which is observing birds and mouse nearby and they are always alert towards such a chance to grab one of those to eat.

Dogs on the other side will accompany you where ever you wish to go be it a dangerous place or a forests with cruel animals , they don’t care and will be on your side to fight the evil any time any place, hunter dogs just as jack leads the way and smells it back to where they started from, they came across wild deer’s and monkeys all playing and in jovial mood, they also made sure not to bother any species by their invasion in to their territory, and so walked on silently forward followed by Neelavarnan and the dog leading the way out of dangers way as they have a sixth sense to take us out of troubles way.

Suddenly there was a clearing of bushes and they saw through the trees the lake in front calm and sedate, with the birds flying above the waters looking for fish and the big fishes coming out of the water jumping out and back to water. Neelavarnan and the dog realized to take rest near the lake and started to unpack and put on a camp fire with tents for their cover from the wild animals and snakes etc, they had net to put around the tent so as to be safe with out any creatures poison affecting them.

Neelavarnan was thinking about a lake known as ‘lock ness’ and wondered whether it was the same lake with a big creature living inside the waters to come out occasionally and scare the people around. Any way they decided to spend the rest of the day and night there it self to watch over the lake and the sun was about to set as they could see the shadows becoming longer. They made their tents to watch out towards the lake and the dogs post too was on the entrance to give an alarm if some animals come near to the tent and to scare them away.

They realized they will have a long wait in front of them, Neelavarnan wondered whether Jack know of the monsters in the water. And slept off and took a nap by dosing off on the tent and his bag kept as a pillow.

More to follow from ‘solitairebalaforchildren’ in Google.



He saw it in the moonlit night above the rivers’ flow, and the same fear engulfed him, of the night when he slept alone in the castle. The figures where just as he remembered and were dancing with the tune of the river gush and the current, so forceful and running towards the valley, down below. He could again hear the cries of the ‘bat’ or emanating from the figures dancing just like the tantrik dances of Lord Shiva. But the dog has stopped to bark and too was curiously looking at the figures, shadows which were dancing to some unknown tune, but he could hear the music notes as well from far away , the dog also stood still and Neelavarnan pinched him self to feel whether he is still awake or was he dreaming.

The shadows were in tantrum playing with each other as dogs would, when they get a ground and a lot of dogs to play with at times even making the cats join them. On this occasion Neelavarnan lost all the fear which engulfed him, and was sure that he is safe as the figures have not seen him or the dog, which too had stopped to bark as the figures appeared on the river hanging on threads not seen by our naked eye. He then realized it must be the angels or ghosts In either case he knew deep inside that they will not be harming him, due to the very reason that he had prayed to the lord just before he slept off, secondly the dog’s presence also made him more at ease and fearless for he has a companion to fight the devils together.

Neelavarnan took out the cross and kept it in his right hand, while he prayed in his mind to god for helping him come out of the fear and he did not regret for having come out in the open jungle.

It must have been tow to three hours and the shadows disappeared and the dog too relaxed and was lying now on his legs with his ears poked out and listening intently, while he was trying all the time to smell for the ultimate and Neelavarnan knew he would be able to smell the danger kilometers away. As time went by they both relaxed and slept off ultimately to open eyes to the sound of morning birds and the wild chicken prompting the sun to come out by calling out again and again. This was the experience he had longed for many years the river flowing in front and the birds calling out to each other, and all the animals waking up to the morning sun and life around looking forward to another fresh day in front to do all the things they like to do.

The fire was almost out, but Neelavarnan again put fresh logs in to the fire and made its surroundings warm. His aunt must be looking out for him, and then he remembered the cell phone which was switched off and regretted having not informed his aunt about his stay in the jungle and the dog companion he got. He immediately switched it on and was welcomed by a inward message sent by his aunt asking him to call back. He immediately and urgently called his aunt and told her that he was ok with his dog and would make it back by the evening or the night as they would now start as soon as the sun comes out and towards the east they could see the glare of the sun rays behind the trees covering the sun.

To be followed by ‘solitairebalaforchildren’ pl visit Google blog. for more.