Thursday, July 2, 2009



He saw it in the moonlit night above the rivers’ flow, and the same fear engulfed him, of the night when he slept alone in the castle. The figures where just as he remembered and were dancing with the tune of the river gush and the current, so forceful and running towards the valley, down below. He could again hear the cries of the ‘bat’ or emanating from the figures dancing just like the tantrik dances of Lord Shiva. But the dog has stopped to bark and too was curiously looking at the figures, shadows which were dancing to some unknown tune, but he could hear the music notes as well from far away , the dog also stood still and Neelavarnan pinched him self to feel whether he is still awake or was he dreaming.

The shadows were in tantrum playing with each other as dogs would, when they get a ground and a lot of dogs to play with at times even making the cats join them. On this occasion Neelavarnan lost all the fear which engulfed him, and was sure that he is safe as the figures have not seen him or the dog, which too had stopped to bark as the figures appeared on the river hanging on threads not seen by our naked eye. He then realized it must be the angels or ghosts In either case he knew deep inside that they will not be harming him, due to the very reason that he had prayed to the lord just before he slept off, secondly the dog’s presence also made him more at ease and fearless for he has a companion to fight the devils together.

Neelavarnan took out the cross and kept it in his right hand, while he prayed in his mind to god for helping him come out of the fear and he did not regret for having come out in the open jungle.

It must have been tow to three hours and the shadows disappeared and the dog too relaxed and was lying now on his legs with his ears poked out and listening intently, while he was trying all the time to smell for the ultimate and Neelavarnan knew he would be able to smell the danger kilometers away. As time went by they both relaxed and slept off ultimately to open eyes to the sound of morning birds and the wild chicken prompting the sun to come out by calling out again and again. This was the experience he had longed for many years the river flowing in front and the birds calling out to each other, and all the animals waking up to the morning sun and life around looking forward to another fresh day in front to do all the things they like to do.

The fire was almost out, but Neelavarnan again put fresh logs in to the fire and made its surroundings warm. His aunt must be looking out for him, and then he remembered the cell phone which was switched off and regretted having not informed his aunt about his stay in the jungle and the dog companion he got. He immediately switched it on and was welcomed by a inward message sent by his aunt asking him to call back. He immediately and urgently called his aunt and told her that he was ok with his dog and would make it back by the evening or the night as they would now start as soon as the sun comes out and towards the east they could see the glare of the sun rays behind the trees covering the sun.

To be followed by ‘solitairebalaforchildren’ pl visit Google blog. for more.

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