Monday, July 16, 2012

Essence of Ramayana,Hindu epic/history.


Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:59 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Shaija v bhaskaran"



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*����³Ramayanam����´ has always been an integral part of every Hindu's life.
Ramayana is a Sanskrit epic describing the deeds of Lord Rama, the seventh
avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu.*

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*"Ramayana Masam����´ in Kerala is observed in the Malayalam month Karkkidakom
(July ����¶ August). Karkidakam month is dedicated to dead ancestors during
when Shraddh ritual or pitru tharpan are offered to them. Karkidaka Vavu
Bali (Pitru tharpan rituals) is the major ritual followed in Malayalam
month of Karkidakam in Kerala. The sacred scripture Ramayana is recited
during the whole month of Karkidam hence it is also known as Ramayana Masam.

*"Ramayanamasam or 'the month of Ramayana' begins on the first day of
Malayalam month Karkkidakom (July 16, 2012).On all days in the month, the
Epic Ramayana is read in traditional Hindu houses. The reading begins on
the first day of the month and is completely read by last day of the month.
In 2012, the Ramayana Masam begins on July 16 and ends on August 16.*


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*Ramayana Masam starts from the first of Karkkidakam (in malayalam era) and
will end by the 31st day. In olden days, agriculture was the main source of
income of most people in Kerala. During the month of June and July, there
used to be heavy rain in Kerala. The fields used to be flooded, and the lay
men left without job. ThusKarkkidakam got another name as "Panjamasam"
(poverty-stricken month), followed by Chingam (the first month of Malayalam
era), being the harvest month. To have a good harvest during chingamasam,
our fore fathers believed that worshipping Lord Rama during karkkidakam will
give a good yield. Thus the epic Ramayana was read in their homes. The
entire book is read in 31 days, starting the first day of Karkkidakam.*
*It is believed that Ramayana parayanam (reading of Ramayana) in the
'Ramayana Masam' ('Karkkidaka masam': July-August) is a divine way to
worship Lord Rama and attain salvation. On all days in the month, in most
of the Kerala Temples as well as in the Malayali Hindu families
(traditional Hindu houses) the Epic Ramayana is read. Some people recite in
the early hours of dawn and some after lighting the evening lamp, sit
before Lamp (nilavilakku) and recite the Ramayanam.*

*Great Valmiki completed writing the ramayana story in 24,000 verses. The
epic is divided into seven kandas(Sections).The seven sections are the Bala
Kandam, the Ayodhya Kandam,the Aranya Kandam, the Kishkinda Kandam, the
Sundara Kandam, the Yudha Kandam, and the uttaraKandam.*


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There is an elaborating unique message inherent in Ramayana. The Ramayana,
truly, is a work that holds out ideals for every home and family. It
clearly demonstrates what should be the ideal relationship between a father
and a son, a husband and wife, between sibling, and even between rulers and
citizens. It deals with various topic like Administrtation, business
management, communication skills, tips to success and family living. In the
Yudha Kandam - a dialogue between Rama and Vibheeshana on the war field-
describes the qualities that one should have to be successful in life.
*Ramayana has had a great impact on the culture of India. It gave form to
the values of its society, reiterating to countless generations models of
correct behaviour.The Ramayana is a store house of knowledge. One has to
transform such knowledge to wisdom by applying the principles and core
values in ones life. Reading and re-reading the Ramayana can be a rewarding
experience for people of all ages at all times.*

If we can make our children to read The Ramayana, it has a profound impact
on their mind; The Ramayana describes the epic battle to wipe out Evil. It
not only teaches us dharma, it also sheds light on the human predicament
and the choices that lie before us. It teaches us that problems are
inevitable in one's life, but if one is filled with wisdom and devotion one
can overcome any problem.

The Ramayana can be told in as many as 24,000 verses as in the valmiki
Ramayana or in just one verse as in the eka-shloka-ramayaNa which captures
all the main events of the epic such as rama's exile to the forest, killing
of the golden deer, the kidnapping of sita, the death of jatayu, the
meeting with sugriva and the punishment of vaali, the crossing of the ocean
and burning of Lanka by Hanuman, and finally the slaying of ravana and



*Sathyam Bruyath, Priyam Bruyath,*
*Na Bruyath Sathyamapriyam*
*(Speak the truth; speak sweetly and softly*
*and never**Utter truth in an unpalatable way).*
*"Sathyam Bruyath" **Speak the truth is the moral value.*
*"Priyam Bruyath" speak sweetly and softly is the social value.*
*"Na Bruyath Sathyamapriyam" **never**Utter truth in an unpalatable way **is
the spiritual value. So, the moral, social, and spiritual values are all
contained in the above statement. The Ramayana teaches these values in the
simplest way.*
*The Ramayana teaches the importance of human values. The Ramayana teaches
us the threefold Dharma (code of conduct) pertaining to the individual, the
family and the society. You have to make every effort to understand the
duties of the individual, the family and the society. The modern society
needs to follow the Dharma that is contained in the epic Ramayana. Today,
children are leaving their parents in old age homes, the students are not
having regard for their teachers, and corruption is rampant in all fields
such as business, education and politics. Under these circumstances, the
principles of the Ramayana are very important. In such a situation,
everyone needs to follow the ideals of the Ramayana.*
*The Ramaayana,also teaches two lessons: the value of detachment and the
need to become aware of the Divine in every being. Faith in God and
detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for human liberation. Give
up sense objects, and you gain Rama. Sitha gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya
so she could be with Rama during His exile. When she cast longing eyes on
the golden deer and craved it, she lost Rama's presence. Renunciation leads
to joy; attachment brings about grief. Be in the world, but not of it.*
*The Ramayana demonstrates that anything can be achieved through sincerity
and devotion. Everyone should cultivate love for God, fear of sin and
morality in society. Though Rama and Ravana were equally well versed in all
forms of knowledge, Ravana did not followed the knowledge he had acquired
and on the contrary he used it for wicked purposes. On the other hand, Rama
translated all his knowledge into action and gave joy to one and all and
engaged in the welfare of all.*
*Human life is a long journey. One should lead a divine life, not a mean
life. Always be happy. Difficulties do come in life. That is the law of
nature. Never get disheartened by them. Difficulties are like passing
clouds. Difficulties come and go, and what ever be your difficulties always
keep your values positive.Being God, Lord Vishnu could have planned Ram
incarnation in such a way that he just wished something to happen and it
happened. If he had done that, then there was no way we humans could follow
in the footsteps of Lord Ram. We could say that he could do that because he
was God and we do not have the power to do all these.**Lord Ram, together
with many others in Ramayan, underwent various sufferings. They showed with
their conduct how we should behave in various situations.Rama stood as a
shining example of upholding the moral values in the society.*

*All of us live on the same earth. The same sky is above all of us. We
breathe the same air and drink the same water. Ignoring this underlying
principle of unity man visualizes multiplicity, which is a big mistake. The
Ramayana centers on the principle of unity in diversity. Today as man has
lost the ability to see unity in diversity, he is immersed in restlessness.
What we need today is to see unity in diversity and the divinity behind
this unity.*
*For divinity You do not need to undertake any spiritual practices.
Experience the innate divinity in everyone by following the path of love.
Love is God. Spend your life in selfless service. This is the teaching of
Rama. Bliss is not present in a foreign land; it is present within you. In
order to experience bliss, develop love in your heart. Your life itself
will become a living **Ramayana **.*
*Today many people read the holy **Ramayana **, but few understand its
essence. They spend their time in acquiring bookish knowledge and
superficial knowledge, but fail to have practical knowledge. There are many
people who can explain the teachings of **Ramayana ** in a beautiful way,
but very few are following and applying these values in their life. What is
the use of reading various texts, if we do not put into practice the
message contained in them? Can anyone enjoy the taste of various delicious
items by merely repeating their names? No. One can enjoy the taste only
when one eats them. Like wise we have to follow the values that contained
in the Ramayana.The good characters in Ramayan teach us the proper way not
just by preaching but by their own actions.Rather than just reading and
preaching good conduct, they lived with good conduct.let us follow.*


* Eka Shloka Ramayana*

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*Adau Rama-tapo-vanaadi-gamanam Hatva Mrugam Kaanchanam*

*Vaidehee-haranam Jatayu-maranam Sugreeva-sambhashanam*

*Balee-nigrahanam Samudra-taranam Lankapuri-daahanam*

*Paschaat Raavana-kumbhakarna-hananam Etatdhi Ramayanam.*

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*Lord Rama went to the forest in order to fulfill the promise his father
had given to one of his wives (Kaikeyi). In the forest, Seeta was
attracted by the golden deer and Rama went after it. At that time, the
wicked Ravana kidnapped Seeta. Jatayu tried to defend Seeta and save her,
but was killed by Ravana. Lord Rama then befriended Sugriva and killed
Vali, the unrighteous. He crossed the ocean and entered the city of
Lanka. He then destroyed the city of Lanka, killed the wicked demons
Ravana and Kumbhakarna and set Seeta free. This is the story contained in
the Ramayana.***


*Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran*


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