Monday, June 22, 2009



Neelavarnan as explained in my earlier blogs is a boy of 12 yrs and had the magical powers to foresee the future, One night during the time of vacation he had trouble to sleep off, and was tossing and turning in his bed, and after midnight some how slept off only to wake up with a start as he had seen a terrible dream, he was sweating and his heart was still beating fast, his first thought was ‘Where am I?’, then he remembered his vacation and his trip to his aunt, who lived in a remote castle some where in the remotest corner on earth the place did not have a proper name, and was known as the place of ghosts and angels , the second name was the reason for him to make up his mind to visit just that place and after long days of persuasions at last his family agreed and allowed him to visit his aunt, whom he did not even remember for she had been away before he was even born and only knew of his aunt far away some where in a castle living with the ghosts ,cats and angels. He also knew that she used to speak to souls who are dead and is left high and dry due to their sins, and never gets released from the bondage of the curse behind their sins. Such souls of dead wander about in isolated places with minimum habitations. Now he was convinced of the risk the trip had brought him to & was now beginning to get worried and cursed him self, for having chosen the castle in the first place.

He looked out of the windows and the moonlit night had the view in front of the place looking downwards to a valley in the middle of no where. Then he saw it rather saw those black figures moving as if they were flying suspended in the air, but the movement was very clear as it looked dark in the background of the moon’s light. He also heard some chilling noises which sounded similar to a cry of the women, but may be a rare kind of birds' thought Neelavarnan, perhaps bats, then he noticed the size which was taller than a coconut tree, and each one was trying to out fly the other on the sides, He just stared in disbelief as the figures became bigger as they came near and near. Out of his freight/scare he closed the windows shut and locked all the windows and doors, making sure turn by turn to check the doors and windows again and again, the shrills now could be heard very near, he found his feet trebling with freight, his sweat was dropping to the floors along with urine, as he stood there unable to move or cry aloud for the sound may attract the ghosts out there.

It was a huge relief, for him to realize that it was after all a dream only. Just when he was about to pull up the blankets over him, he heard it again the shrill, chilling and making him lose his mind and was not sure whether he was awake or still dreaming, but the sounds were so louder he just could not move or open his eyes for he was scared of looking at the ghosts, just then he remembered his mom, who told him to pray before he slept each day and nights. He regretted for having forgotten the advice and started to pray and pray till such times his breathing became normal, and he slept off or rather blacked out.

[To be continued, watch out for “Neelavarnans’ adventures” weekly, blog “solitairebalaforchildren” in Google.

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