Saturday, June 6, 2009



Neelavarnan was a boy aged 12 and was the darling of his village a remote farming community. They were living in an atmosphere which had trees big and tall along a mountain side with a clear stream running besides their village, and the water used to be crystal clear coming down from the mountains, which they used for their farming and drinking needs. The villagers had a saint among them preaching good things to the children and the elders about the virtue of having total belief in god and he always suggested that they all surrender to the will of the god, as god can only save them and bring prosperity to the villagers as there were hardly any crooks among them.

They were a happy lot, happy in all the natures’ abundance surrounding them without smog [polluted smoke from factories] and the sky used to be clear and blue but for the cloudy rain sky, which nourishes all life in their surroundings year after year.

The villagers had a horse which did all the loading chorus of the villagers such as bringing things from the market far away and for taking their products to the market.
One day the horse went missing without leaving a trace. Hearing that Neelavrnan ran to the saint and told him that their horse has gone missing, the saint told it is for good and not to worry about it, to the surprise of Neelavarnan who just could not fathom the logic of a missing horse being a sign of good, as the saint was saying. After a couple of days the horse came back with a couple of more horses by his side, which had followed the villagers’ horse to their village.Now Neelavarnan was relieved and realized the saint was right.

After a few days, Neelavarnans’ father fell down from the horseback and had hurt himself; a fractured hand was the result. Like always Neelavarnan again went back to the saint and asked why god was punishing his father who did nothing wrong. The saint again told it is for good. He still was confused how can it be so? His father will have to be in plasters for at least tow months. But the next week came the call from the King ordering all those with good health to join the army for fighting the enemy. Neelavarnan’s father alone was left behind due to his fractured hand.

The above are some of our folk stories but have parallels in our daily life too. We can think back in hind sight and feel that we all may have such stories our self. So many occasions in my life or your life all will have such set backs which proves to be a blessing in disguise later.

Dedicated to my daughter Aishwarya, nephew Sagar,nieces Lavanya,dhanya ,Gayatri Geetika and Lakshmi.

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